It’s no secret Black Gay Pride in Atlanta is one of the most visited Pride celebrations in America. The message is simple: Uniting all individuals to live a Healthy Life Mind Body and Soul, through diet, education & actions. It’s a unique opportunity to raise awareness about programs, businesses and organizations that value the LGBTQIA+ community. The primary goal is provide a platform in which the LGBTQIA+ community can celebrate its many accomplishments. Overall Health and Welfare of the LGBTQIA+ community Ideas, Programs and opportunities that empower and enrich the LGBTQIA+ community Concerns that plague the LGBTQIA+ community Cultural differences between theLGBTQIA+ minority population Our week long celebration WELCOMES ALL regardless of sexual orientation, gender or race. A national event designed to unite the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Transgender, Questioning, Intersex and Asexual (LGBTQIA+) community their friends, families and many supporters.